For the first time in Europe the dreaded bird flu virus H5N8 popped up in early November 2014. It has been detected by a wild bird. As part of the wild birds monitoring on the isle of Rügen in Mecklenburg – Western Pomerania, it was found at a teal that was shot. The competent authorities then laid the poultry trade in Mecklenburg -Vorpommern for a few weeks on ice. Scientists from the Friedrich- Loeffler- Institute ( FLI) search whose the cause of the birds flu outbreak. They discovered that the virus first appeared in Korea. How it moved from there to Meckpom, is further investigated. For a large keeping laying hens with more than 100,000 animals that lay within the observation zone of 50 kilometers, the researchers said its clear now. After the evaluation of the first sample there were around no evidence of further cases of the disease. After all, about 1,000 chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys were collected and killed within three kilometers of private holders.
Even in Hamburg, the Agency issued warnings and advised a stable for all free-roaming animals. For some goose it was such a premature death.
Press release of the German Animal Protection League :
In the poultry stronghold of Lower Saxony highly contagious avian influenza virus H5N8 was detected in a turkey feed plant. As a result, all 19,000 turkeys were killed. A further 12,000 animals a business, which was concerned with the operation in contact, and all poultry animals within a radius of one kilometer around the holding – worst case up to 100,000 animals – should also be culled. Since poultry is now kept in huge herds, the impact of animal disease outbreaks are becoming increasingly serious. Especially in regions with very high animal and plant density, as in Cloppenburg and other counties of Lower Saxony, the risk of virus spread is increased. However, the German Animal Welfare Association rejects the preventive killing of healthy animals vehemently. Instead of such actions panic farmers must be stopped to even stricter observance of hygiene and safety practices . The killing must only as a last resort in case of detection of infection.
“The consequences of avian influenza are more fatal than in small populations in industrial animal husbandry: Due to the high number of animals, pathogens can spread to more animals. From killing measures therefore significantly more animals are affected. A high density operation as in Lower Saxony, where around 100 million poultry animals are kept aggravates the situation further. Passenger and transport traffic between farms pose a high risk of virus transmission. Tens of thousands of Killing animals is ultimately a consequence of the completed out of hand agribusiness. More and more animals to ever smaller space in ever larger stables. The dimension of a disease can no longer be so Refinement, “criticizes Thomas Schroeder, President of the German Animal Protection League.
The German Animal Welfare Association rejects the preventive slaughter of infected animals not proven. According to the association should initially be placed measures such as a ban on movement of animals and transportation of poultry products and crap , more stringent hygiene measures and possibly a vaccination until it is safe whether infection occurred or not. A stable duty may be temporarily placed in areas at risk if no animal welfare problems in animals occur. Vaccination against classical avian influenza is generally forbidden because they do not provide 100 % protection, but can be arranged in a particular case by the Authority. In risk areas vaccination may be a useful measure to curb the disease, but there is through the statutory prohibition of vaccination too little incentive for the development of new , more effective vaccines.
Pressrelease of the lower saxony State Office for Consumer Protection
The Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety (LAVES ) issued by public announcement over the radio on 16.12.2014 following general order:
On 16.12.2014 the outbreak of avian influenza has been officially recognized in the area of the district Cloppenburg.
Therefore, on the basis of § 38, paragraph 11 in conjunction with § 6 para 1 no. 12 of the Animal Health Act and § 2 no. 2 of the Regulation on responsibilities in the area of legislation on animal health and the right of disposal of animal by-products (status – VO animal ), the following arranged:
In the period from 12.16.2014 , 18:00 clock until 19.12.2014 , 18:00 clock the counties Ammerland , Cloppenburg and short is arranged as follows for the whole area:
Held birds shall be brought in either a stock or from a herd in the above area . This does not apply to the movement of day-old chicks from a hatchery within the above area in a stock outside the above area. Already begun in this area transports the above animals may only drive directly determining holdings. Other businesses should not be approached.
The General is available for Download here.
In the district of Cloppenburg has erupted in a turkey stock on 12/16/2014 highly pathogenic form of avian flu ( H5N8 type ) . Affected is a turkey stock with about 19,000 animals in the northern part of the county.
After a positive test result on 14/12/2014 in self control were taken immediately by the veterinary official samples and confirmed in LAVES in Oldenburg by a positive result . After that was done by the Friedrich -Loeffler -Institut , Riems , the confirmation of the highly pathogenic form of avian influenza subtype H5N8.
Based on the official results of the measures to control avian influenza have been initiated by the federal regulations by the county Cloppenburg. The stock has been banned and the animals of the stock in question are humanely killed .
A hazard for humans does not exist under the current state of knowledge.
The Cloppenburg District has established a surveillance zone in accordance with § 17 of the avian Regulation.
The regulations cover the entire area of the district Cloppenburg. In the surveillance zone held birds shall be brought either in still from a herd . This does not apply to the movement of day-old chicks from a hatchery in the surveillance zone in a stock outside the surveillance zone and the movement in transit on motorways and other roads of the city transport. In Lower Saxony monitoring studies are carried out in poultry and wild birds regularly. In poultry monitoring more than 2,500 samples have been studied from about 200 stocks so far . In the wild bird monitoring about 600 samples have been examined so far . All studies on the avian influenza virus were negative. The highly pathogenic avian influenza type H5N8 was detected on 5 November 2014 in a poultry flock in Mecklenburg – Vorpommern and in a teal . There were no further cases have occurred . All restrictions were repealed on December 10, 2014 . This type of virus was also diagnosed in November 2014 in five birds in the Netherlands and a duck stock in the UK , the Netherlands and in two wild ducks. In both Member States no further cases have so far occurred in poultry. Because of these cases poultry farmers must keep their animals in many parts of Lower Saxony since the end of November in stables.
Biosecurity measures
Even with the little infectious variant of bird flu, there is always the risk of developing a highly infectious disease of birds. Until the current route of infection is not cleared, everything must be done to prevent possible further infections. This includes hygiene measures (locks, disinfectant mats , protective clothing for visitors – who should just stay outside !). And documentation measures (visitors book – even the electrician belongs in there !, write down deliveries in and out of the stock … ). This also applies to private holdings . These measures are designed to protect all commercial and private poultry farms.
General information on avian influenza Avian influenza
Ordinance of the Federal 18.12.2009 looks because of the risk of transmission of avian influenza viruses from wild birds to poultry kept outdoors in front of an obligation to stabling all stocks . The stabling obligation applies to all poultry farmers , even for so-called hobby animal house. Exceptions are possible only after a risk assessment and only in areas that are not defined in risk areas. These risk areas , inter alia, published by the Lower Saxony Ministry of Environment , those regions are counted , where important nesting areas for birds .
Detailed information on individual poultry keeper shall provide the competent veterinary authority
Such a restricted area of at least 3 km radius and an observation area at least 10 km radius, at any location of an infected wild bird set . In these zones , among other things all poultry investigate need careful disinfection measures carried out and trade restrictions are observed. In the observation area (including off-limits ) Dogs and cats may not run loose. These restrictions apply to 30 days, provided that no new cases occur .
Following a risk assessment by the Veterinary Services, which come to the conclusion that there is no risk of transmission to domestic poultry, there can also be omitted the establishment of limits area and / or observation area. If there is a low risk of transmission, in place of a so-called restricted area of at least 1 km radius can be set with a reduced observation area of at least 3 km radius.
Especially in winter die old and sick animals by cold or by poor diet frequently than in other seasons . Why should not have died of avian any dead bird! Only if several birds appear clearly sick or found dead at one point, you should notify the competent veterinary or the police.
Tags: avian influenza