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3/4 pound ground beef, 3/4 pound of minced pork, 20 g fat Bouillon, a chopped onion, 75 g soaked, tied to a lump well expressed Semmel done so; then a tablespoon of salt, a pinch of pepper and nutmeg; 1 chopped anchovy and 3 eggs.This is all stirred together, seasoned and shaped into an oblong bread, which is peppered with bacon flakes, then placed in a pan, doused with 30 g butter, pour gradually 1/4 l sour cream and water, then soup spice and a piece of bread crust do so.After 1/2 hours. Roasting time you take the lump out, draws from the fat, mashed potato little more to the sauce, can boil it again and again stirred the fat underneath.
When buying minced pick a good butcher. If he has not prepared the minced product himself, you won’t know exactly where the meat comes from.
When buying minced pick a good butcher. If he has not prepared the minced product himself, you won’t know exactly where the meat comes from.