Juergen Teller: photographer, stage producer, self-promoter, director and it always feels as if there ‘s moreto come …

Jürgen Teller im Künstlergespräch und ganz rechts im Bild Tellers Cousin – durch ihn kam er erst auf den Geschmack
The Museum of Arts and Crafts in Hamburg describes him as “a subversive commuters in the glamorous world of wealth”.

Juergen Teller, Ed´s Godmother, Stephanie Simon Hale and Artur Teller, Werbung für Phillips de Pury & Co Magnificent Jewels, London, 2005
Wrong, Teller’s not interested plenty much in Money, he claimed. He somehow just slipped into it.
Teller decorates his family for the jewel auction by Simon de Pury. Some of these works are part of the exhibition “Fat Booty” at the Museum of Arts and Crafts. Good humoured the photographer appeared on the 3rd Advent to a cosy chat with curator Esther Ruelfs and Professor Bernhard Prinz (Prof. of Photografy).
Teller provokes more than any other photographer. His photos are naughty, unusual and naked – not retouched plated, he says. Exactly that all together creates tension. You just have to look, first with big eyes, sometimes a little irritated, because one wants to look really another in the butt? Finally amused.
Er provoziert wie kaum ein anderer Fotograf mit Fotos die frech sind, ungewöhnlich und nackt – Teller retuschiert nicht, sagt er. Genau das Alles zusammen erzeugt Spannung. Man muss einfach hinschauen, zuerst mit großen Augen, mitunter etwas irritiert, weil will man wirklich einem anderen in den Hintern schauen? Dann amüsiert.
His photos tempted to conclusions and sometimes they tell stories. The photos when he himself drapes them, are shooted by his wife. “To my and also the safety of Charlotte. That is a relationship between the three of us.” Teller thinks surprisingly pragmatic: “It was quite exhausting, alle the hours I spend posing on the Piano until it looked right. An observer later held me even for a sculpture.” Teller is authentic, down to earth and that makes him very sympathetic: ” This whole wealth and all these tassels we did not have at home.
Well is not that important to me and the models are not so hot on it. So I staged my family and we had a lot of fun, that was important.” Juergen Teller is a bon vivant. He loves to make fun and jokes about everything – good match for the british people also! Beauty before the medicine cabinet, he says, she was a real Damian Hirst .
Esther Ruelfs wanted to know whether the “rich ” as the millionaire with his foot on the base, not finds himself getting teased. But Teller says he laughs, so he had fun. He also does not think about what other people think of his work, the only way to win. And Nude Photos with Charlotte Rampling had arisen because he was planning a shoot for Marc Jacobs. For this purpose, but Charlotte Rampling did not want to give her smile for that, so he directed himself becoming a male model. He wanted to play the male model and the well-known actress should then slip into the women’s clothes. Rampling and Teller also have known each other for a long time: “You trust me, the publishers can trust me and the fashion houses and then I saw the photos and thought she was very fragile, maybe it gets even better, when I gain something when I . . . was thicker , but then did not fit the clothes … “Right well known are all the photographs he made with Vivienne Westwood. “I already know her well and for a long time. An interesting woman. She looks so young and this white skin. At one point I thought , as she looks good naked. It took a little until I dared, but then I asked and she said yes immediately. I went to her and had scared to death. to support I took my wife and my son . But it was not a problem ,she gave herself totally free and easy. ”
In the collage you see the designer right, naked and legs adorn at the sofa.
The collage has assembled Teller for a catalog. Just in time for Christmas is coming out of his new book . It shows him and family and friends for excample while watching TV at the World Championships. A few have the “work ” already organized and have it signed by him at the end of the event. Two hours flew by. Teller is amusing and entertaining. A story chasing the next, one can only hope that he will soon come back to Hamburg cool photos showing and telling stories.
He signed his collage at the end of the event. Two hours flew by. Teller is amusing and entertaining. A story chasing the next, one can only hope that he will soon come back to Hamburg for showing his cool Photos and some ‘true’ stories…
Tags: Charlotte Rampling Juergen Teller Vivienne Westwood