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Berlin, 25.03.2015
Report shows: Industrial animal production is not sustainable!German Minister of Agriculture Schmidt has to set the course for eco–livestock now.Dr. Felix Prinz zu Löwenstein, Chairman of the Association of Organic food Economy (BÖLW), commenting on the Opinion of the Scientific Advisory Board for Agricultural Policy of the Federal Government for animal husbandry, which was presented on the 25th of march to Federal Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt.
“What the organic movement demands for decades, the federal government now gets from her own scientific advisory board: The industrial farming is not sustainable. The housing conditions, breeding objectives and feeding that is enforced by a market in which only the price counts, must be completed. The eco-rearing, which relies on welfare, free-wheeling, enough space and organically produced food is recommended by the Advisory Council rightly regarded as a sustainable model of animal husbandry. At Last!
It is for sure that the high standards of eco-livestock can not be applied to the whole of agriculture without further notice. If we are now so far, no more animals to discuss whether the livestock needs to be rebuilt, but how that needs to be done, we are one step further.Federal Agriculture Minister Schmidt has lead it now in hand, the transformation of agriculture in the way. Schmidt must ensure that farmers adapt their livestock to the social demands and not be stuck with the higher cost of Fashion and environmentally friendly farming. It is important that no farmers are forced out of the market, which were brought by false market and price signals or by an errant funding policy and guidance in this hopeless situation. We offer Minister Schmidt at the necessary restructuring of animal husbandry our constructive co-working on.
Products of animals from environmental and animal husbandry – meat, eggs and milk – can not be had to junk Award “!
Tags: Eco-Livestock