Bouncing in the Corner. The survey of the room is the third and last part of the exhibition series...
On 19 Feb 2018 By schalk / 0 Comment
Bouncing in the Corner. The survey of the room is the third and last part of the exhibition series...
The modern, Alice Neel - at first glance it does not seem so. In her early pictures the persons all look...
Just yet they listen to Beethoven's 9th in the Elbphilharmonie, Hamburgs new Concert Hall. A rather...
Phew, what days! And now, just a few days later, they jump right away into the election campaign....
The first view when you leave 'Volksdorf' by bike reaching the property of 'Wulfsdorf' fromĀ ...
Funny animals and a well-stocked farm shop - it's a bit like "Old McDonalds Farm" It is the 17th of July...