Press Release / Photo by Peta
Pohlmann chicken scandal in Bavaria prooves: small group cages should be banned immediately
Research the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” (SZ) and the policy format controversial of the bavarian TV, prove once again, how animal protection law doesn’t work considering small group cages for laying hens. The German Animal Welfare Society urges an end to this form of entertainment. According SZ also leads the origins of last year, Europe salmonella scandal about Stefan Pohlmann, the Bavaria-egg back. His father, Anton Pohlmann, has the reputation of “Animal abuse of the nation” and was subject to a livestock ban.
“Proponents of the small group cages have this adverse animal welfare housing system always defended, so that it is animal welfare compliant and especially hygienic. The case Pohlmann is the exact opposite. We call on the present Federal Agriculture Minister Christian Schmidt, now final and in the short term to implement the ban on small cages group, “says Thomas Schroeder, President of the German Animal Welfare Federation. It was Bavarian Prime Minister Horst Seehofer, the ex-federal agricultural minister- who has withdrawn the previously agreed prohibition of caging.
Today the Agriculture Committee of the Federal Council convenes to a request by the country Rhineland-Palatinate and Lower Saxony for humane rearing laying hens. The German Animal Welfare Association appealed to the states to agree to this request. The federal government would then be asked to decide finally the end of the animal welfare adverse small group cages and thus to regulate the keeping of laying hens again nation-wide.
“Like father like son, here seems criminal energy to be family principle. Therefore, there is also the requirement in the room, the existing livestock ban against the saint of the family, Anton Pohlmann, be extended to his son. Since the local veterinary office is required to educate and to act, “said Schröder.
Eggs with the number 3, as they also carry eggs from small group cages rightly are, flunked consumers and trade and largely delisted. Even in the new cage generation, the so-called small group cages, the animals can not live central needs and behaviors. These include dust bathing, undisturbed resting and pecking and scratching in the litter. A behavior equitable accommodation of animals, as prescribed by the Animal Welfare Act is not possible there. This type of farming has tragic consequences for the animals, but also relates to the consumer, such as the salmonella scandal shows.
Federal office / Press Department
The Story in the bavarian TV: salmonella outbreak – The trail leads to Lower Bavaria

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Tags: salmonells