-extensive spraying of chemicals on the fields disturbs the natural circuits, what happens then?
-four times more malformations, three times more cancer … scientists have clearly figured out, who pays for the damage?
– what happens in Europe when genetically modified herbicide-resistant plants come, perhaps via Ceta?
-the plants become resistant, which means that one has to inject more and more frequently, especially in the monocultures as soya, or maize because there is no more natural regulation and what happens next?
-Soya, maize … comes as a power feed in our industrial animal husbandry, what is then in the milk? In the meat?
-Monocultures affect our climate, how much of it can we still allow ourselves?
Water pollution is big issue in Iowa. We need the next President to take on food / ag policy reform: http://bit.ly/2efDjsO #plateoftheunion
There are 8 ways monsanto fails, Link: Food & Agricvulture, Genetic engineering in agriculture
sorry, this movie is only in German, but the Photos tell a lot
Tags: Bayer and Monsanto